My 2019 Year End Review

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Wow! What a year. My life continues to change. I guess that’s a good thing. I never want to stay stuck in my comfort zone. I just didn’t expect so many twists and turns!

A year-end review can be especially useful. John Maxwell says that the evaluated experience is the best teacher.

It gives you an opportunity to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate your wins. It provides the opportunity to reflect on how much you’ve grown and learned. It gives you a chance to recognize any obstacles you overcame.

Although I had some tough challenges to overcome this year, I had some achievements, met some goals, and have much to be grateful for.

2019 Achievements & Gratitude:

  • A great public speaking opportunity in my hometown.
  • Finding a church home that I absolutely love.
  • Posting 13 blog posts (so far).
  • Regularly posting on my Facebook page.
  • Increased reach and engagement of Facebook posts.
  • Posted nine articles on LinkedIn.
  • Emailed my list regularly throughout the year (with a brief hiatus).
  • Created two new email challenges.
  • Participated in two large giveaways and shared with my email readers.
  • Celebrating my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary.
  • Purging my life of toxic relationships and negative influences.
  • Becoming debt-free!
  • The help, love, and support of a few good friends and family members.
  • The successful sale of my parent’s house.
  • Not having a nervous breakdown (or at least not a really bad one).
  • The ability to pick myself up, brush myself off, and keep moving forward.
  • Having flexibility with my time and schedule to take care of myself and my family as needed.
  • My yoga, meditation, and gratitude practice.
  • Enjoying doing work that I find satisfying and meaningful through my business.
  • A short vacation getaway.
  • Having my dad honored for his veteran service in the army.
  • Gaining many new blog readers, email subscribers, LinkedIn and Facebook followers. Welcome!
  • Gaining several new partners in my business.
  • Learning many new things while growing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stronger.

2019 Challenges:

  • Dealing with pretty severe physical pain.
  • Dealing with difficult people.
  • Watching my parent’s health continue to decline.
  • Managing my parent’s estate and all that comes along with that.
  • Adjusting to country living and the isolation that it brings.
  • Dealing with people who have no integrity.
  • Choosing courage over comfort and fear (my personal theme for the year).

2019 Lessons:

  • I am stronger than I thought.
  • Lots of possessions will only tie and weigh me down.
  • Walk away from those who don’t see my value and worth.
  • To not compromise my integrity, peace of mind, or serenity for anyone.
  • How important it is that I keep the promises I make to myself.
  • How important good communication skills are in life.
  • How important listening to my intuition is and how to tap into it.
  • What to do and not to do when a moth flies into my ear (seriously).
  • How important my daily habits are and that even small changes can have a big impact over time.
  • My subconscious mind is very powerful, but I can change the messages it sends.
  • Who I become as a person is more important than what I do and what I have.
Year end review at

I hope that you had a great year and that you can find many things to be grateful for as well.

It’s important that we take time to reflect, give thanks, and celebrate any wins.

When you make a conscious effort to reflect with the purpose of gaining insight into yourself and your life, you will experience a number of benefits.              

The Benefits of Consciously Reflecting on Life

• Reflection can transform your experience into genuine learning. It can help you gain a more complete understanding of your values, your goals, and what you believe in.

• Reflection can help you connect the activities you have done in your life to outcomes achieved, helping you determine whether you are making the right decisions or not.

• Reflection can help you develop higher-level thinking and problem-solving ability, something that you are going to need to move forward and change your life.

• Reflection raises your self-awareness, helping you understand more about yourself and your reactions to the world.

• Reflection can relax you, helping you become calmer and help you think more clearly and deeply.

• Reflection can help develop your questioning attitude and enable you to see things from a new perspective.

• Reflection can help you identify areas for change and improvement.

• Reflection can help you apply what you have learned from one situation to another, also enabling you to react more positively and constructively to new challenges.

• Reflection can help you remain committed to your goals, your vision, and your purpose. Something you will need throughout the year and also the rest of your life.

• Ultimately, reflection enables us to evaluate experiences, learn from mistakes, repeat successes, revise, and plan.

Reflection is a form of metacognition or “thinking about thinking”. You need to be able to understand your actions, your behaviors, and how you think in order to be able to set an appropriate vision and goal to improve your life.

Spending time and reflecting on your goals, your progress, and your life is an essential habit to get into to ensure success.

This habit will ensure you are continually learning, continually focused, and continually progressing towards your goals.

Year End Review at

Do your own year-end review by asking yourself a few questions:

  • What were your accomplishments or achievements?
  • What goals did you meet or make progress on?
  • What were your challenges?
  • What lessons did you learn?
  • How has your mindset changed?
  • How has your life changed?
  • What have you learned about yourself?


May your holidays be filled with peace, love, and laughter. Feel free to share your answers to the questions above in the comments below if you wish.

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I have much more exciting things planned and If you don’t like it, you can unsubscribe anytime.

Year End review at

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