What is Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals?

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Stopping You From Reaching Goals at www.xtreme-assistant.com

You may be doing well in your career or business. You went to college, you’ve got a good job, or you’ve established a business.

But there’s something that is stopping you from reaching your goals. You’re not quite where you want to be.

Maybe you feel like you’ve stalled or even plateaued.

Maybe you feel like your efforts are not appreciated.

Maybe your business isn’t growing as fast as you’d like.

Maybe you feel stuck or like you’re in a rut.

It could be an unconscious act of self-sabotage that’s holding you back.

Have a good look at yourself and see if you’re being held back by one of these four common things that may be stopping you from reaching your goals and progressing to the next level.

Procrastination Could Be Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

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We all do it. Putting off doing mundane or difficult tasks is all too human.

But the longer you delay making that phone call or having that difficult conversation, the worse it’s going to get. You know deep down that you should just do it.

Another big area of procrastination is failing to act.

How many good ideas have you had that you haven’t acted on because you weren’t ready, or you didn’t have the right skills, or enough money yet?

There will never be the perfect or right time to start a business, launch a project, or pitch a new idea.

The right time to act is NOW!

And don’t forget — acting on an idea doesn’t mean you leap into the final product immediately.

Acting can also mean…

  • doing your research,
  • allocating budget,
  • testing the market,
  • taking one step towards your goal.

This is one of the most common problems I find with my clients for various reasons.

Remember, that procrastination is the opposite of productivity.

If you stop procrastinating and start planning, you’ll be ready for success when it comes.

Obtain FREE on-demand training “3 Keys To Eliminating Procrastination Forever” here.

Fear of Failure Could Be Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

Stopping You From Reaching your Goals at www.xtreme-assistant.com

I’ve heard many times that the fear of failure is the single greatest obstacle to success in adult life.  

Fear of failure stops you from taking risks and seizing opportunities. It can be paralyzing, but only if you let it.

To free yourself from the fear of failure you need to reframe what failure means for you.

Failure does not mean disaster. Failure is not a single event.

It could mean that you repeat poor choices every day.

On their own, your daily acts do not seem that important. A minor oversight, a poor decision, or a wasted hour generally doesn’t result in an instant and measurable impact.

More often than not, you escape from any immediate consequences of your deeds. But over time, they accumulate and delay failure for a future time.

It could mean you haven’t found out what works yet. Edison famously failed to invent the working light bulb more than a thousand times before he hit the right formula.

This is where persistence pays off. Persistence will out-perform essential talent every time.

Obtain FREE on-demand training “How to Manage Fear and Uncertainty in Tough Times” here.

Distraction Could Be Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

Stopping You From Reaching your Goals at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Staying focused is the key to achieving success. High performing successful people say that focus if the most important skill for them to have reached their level.

It’s easy to be distracted by side issues and the demands of your email or phone but staying productive requires attention and focus.

Keeping yourself on task these days is a challenge. There are so many things competing for your attention.

Getting distracted is a normal part of life, but you need to learn how to get back on track when you start to waste time or lose focus to be the most productive.

Make it easier to produce high-quality, consistent work by keeping focused on the current priorities and sticking to your plan.

Get your copy of “The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Focus” here.

Self-doubt Could Be Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals

The Perils of self-doubt at www.xtreme-assistant.com

We’ve all doubted ourselves at some point, but self-doubt can undermine all your efforts if you let it.

If you continue to doubt yourself, it can be a major contributor to holding you back from success.

In most cases, self-doubt is not something that will advance your life. It will hold you back, and you need always to be aware of that. It’s important to your success to learn to overcome your self-doubt and move towards your potential.

When you doubt yourself or your ability to persist in the face of adversity, you immediately cut yourself off from the internal strength and the resourcefulness required to succeed in life.

There is no way that you can reach the peak of your field unless you believe in yourself.

Listen to The Perils of Self-Doubt audio here:

Obtain FREE training toChange Your Brain And Achieve Your Goals… Faster and Easier Than Ever Beforehere.

Your success story is totally up to you.

Stopping You From Reaching your Goals at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Look back, see all the steppingstones that brought you to where you are now.

You have the skills, and you have the know-how to get where you want to go. Now start believing in your potential.

We all have a river of potential inside us, but few people truly recognize and believe in that potential.

Believing in your own potential is an essential part of your confidence and success. If you believe you can accomplish something, you’re far more likely to actually accomplish it.

However, believing in your own potential may not come as easily for you as it does for others. It’s often something you must work on and prove to yourself before you believe it.

Gaining the confidence you need to achieve your goals will help you take the necessary steps necessary. If you believe in yourself, there is little that could be stopping you from reaching your goals.

Eliminate the obstacles that stop you from succeeding and move quickly towards the success you deserve. Feel empowered to overcome your self-sabotage and discover the potential that’s inside you!


Most people wish that they could get more done during their days, but don’t know how to go about improving their productivity.

If you’re ready to make the required changes to your habits so that you can finally improve your productivity, check out my FREE downloads below this post to help you improve your productivity while working less and building better habits to achieve your goals.

You don’t need to continue to suffer from a lack of productivity, with a few simple changes to your habits you can see a dramatic improvement in your productivity!

To your success! 🥂


FREE Productivity Downloads:

  • SMART Goals Worksheet – create your Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Trackable goals with this worksheet.
  • Action Plan For Change – this tool will help you understand what tasks are most important and allows you to make an action plan for achieving them.
  • SWOT ANALYSIS TOOL – this worksheet will help you analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  • Task Management Worksheet – this is in Excel format and helps you keep track of your important tasks.
  • Effective Task Delegation Checklist – helps ensure you are delegating tasks effectively so things get done accurately and timely.

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