One of the Best Things You Can Do to Achieve Success

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Breaking down your goals into actionable, bite-sized steps will help you take action and achieve success.

Like the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

The more I learn, the more I realize that success is about taking action not theory. 

So, taking action to achieve success is to be part of your life that will help bring your goals closer toward you.

You can only bring your desires toward you when you are willing to actively pursue them. If you are waiting for good things to drop from the sky, then get comfortable because you’ll have a long wait.

Accordingly, many people feel helpless to reach beyond their current situations. They just sit around and complain.

However, there are many great stories about people that did reach their goals and found success…

Don’t let rejection stop you

The Chicken Soup empire was built on that first book which several publishers turned down called Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansfield have expanded this instantly popular concept to specialized stories of Chicken Soup for teenagers, older adults, diabetics, pet lovers, and dozens of other titles.

These are inspiring stories of people whose situations were beyond their control and only changed because they went from living under a negative mindset into a positive mindset.

They made a U-turn away from negativity and thrived in their newfound positive environment. 

Don’t let fear stop you

It can feel scary sometimes to take that next step. But you can make the turn away from negativity, lack, loss and other deficits that hold you back from where you want to be.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you take action towards your goals. Push through your fear and take action while you’re scared if you have to.

Action creates energy and energy is an amazing force. You can’t “see” electricity – but when you plug your toaster into the power outlet, it has the power to toast the bread. Positive energy is there for you to plug when you take action.

But nothing happens to plug in and bring change into your life like taking action to achieve success. Just like an electrical plug, it has to make full contact with the power source to operate the appliance. A poor connection will not transmit the power.

Are You Willing to Actively Pursue Your Goals?

Once you’ve created your vision, goals and sub-goals, you’re ready to take action to achieve success. You need an action plan broken down into small steps to accomplish your bigger vision or goals.

Your action plan should include:

  • A list of tasks that need to be done that support achieving your goals.

  • A priority grade of your tasks. Use the ABC123 method of prioritizing them. A = most important and should be completed first; B = High priority and should be completed soon; C = nice to get done but can be done as time allows. 1 = most important and must get done first; 2 = medium importance and can be done later in the day; 3 = low importance for the day. See a good example of this here.

  • Know why each task on your list is important to you and why. What are the benefits of completing it and what are the costs of not completing it?

  • A deadline or timeline for completing each task.

  • A list of your strengths and weaknesses. Writing out your strengths and how you will overcome your weaknesses can help you achieve your goals. Use this SWOT Analysis tool.

Then, add each action step that you need to take to achieve the goal and add them to your daily to-do list. Organization is an essential key to stay on top of your tasks.

Place your tasks into your planner or phone calendar. Then make a habit of checking your list at least daily. Plan what you do and do what you plan.

To sum up

Very few individuals or businesses have achieved success without developing an action plan to achieve their goals.

Your vision, goals, and action plan should establish expectations and standards for you to live by and raise your game.  

Living these new expectations and standards can change your life and help you achieve the success you dream of!

To achieving your goals! 🥂