Starting Your Own Business

Perhaps you are one that would like to start your own business. A growing number of people are finding ways to offer their skills and knowledge to earn extra income. Just like I have with my website here. Or perhaps you want to launch a new career where you enjoy more freedom in the types of projects you work on or the hours you work. More companies are looking to hire contractual help since the recession and more people are starting their own business out of necessity. The good news is that the opportunities are really endless.

But is entrepreneurship the right choice for you? It takes a substantial amount of time to build a
business. There is the research, the legal steps, developing business policies, and of course marketing. And that is non-billable work. It also takes commitment, planning, and discipline. You may have a lot to learn at first as a business owner. But really what it takes is a willingness to learn and do what it takes to be successful.

In the beginning, you may want to find a mentor or coach to help you through the many tough decisions you’ll have to make. Effective decision making is a critical skill you need to develop. A mentor/coach can provide advice and guidance although the ultimate decision is yours as the business owner. It’s always nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of or ask questions when you get stuck. Check the Small Business Administration, trade associations, and your networking groups to find a mentor.

The upside of business ownership is that it levels the playing field. You own your own company and your clients own theirs. You are your own boss and are making your own decisions. You have your own business standards and call your own shots. The relationship is one of equals. It can be very rewarding.

If you’d like to explore more, view this list of business ideas and click the links to get more information.

“I believe that one of life’s greatest risks is never daring to risk.” ~Oprah Winfrey

 Some books you may find helpful:

Business Mind-Set

Creating Your Business Mind-Set

Creating Entrepreneurs

Creating Entrepreneurs

If you never go after what you want; you’ll never have it!

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