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  17. Love your blog today. To me it is more important in the winter to have positive thoughts and actions because there are less day light hours.

  18. Pingback: Holiday Planning Tips (Part 1) ~

  19. YES AND YES!!! So glad we hired you!!! In just a small amount of time I’m hopeful to get organized!!

  20. these are really great tips! As we had to recover from making bad business decisions, our credit temporarily suffered, and we employed some of the tips that you used to get it back on track. Blessings!

  21. These are such good tips for anyone .. no matter the stage of their financial life. All solid and great reminders!

  22. I am in debt at the moment and I fear that I am going to plunge further into debt and it scares me. I have never been good with money but I hope by tallying costs it will help .

  23. Financial matters should be in our list of priorities regardless of our age. Saving before spending is what my parents taught me to do and I continue to do just that. I do not want to end up homeless after I retire. Thank you for this post. Really good information you’ve imparted in this article.

  24. What fab organisation skills you have. Sometimes I get so bogged down and try to do a million and one things at once instead of organising myself!

  25. Great tips! Multi-tusking can be really tricky. Prioritizing is essential and I also find checklists very helpful. I use them all the time. Dividing your projects into smaller tasks is also necessary.

  26. really i am a bad multi tasker, it is super distractive for me and i end up doing nothing well! ticking things one by one works better for me.

  27. I’m the world’s worst multi-tacker. I think it comes from being a mom .. or maybe just from being a woman and juggling a bazillion things. You’re right though .. when I prioritize all of the things I have to do and knock them off one by one .. it’s far easier and I’m actually more productive

  28. Oh my goodness, I am so guilty of trying to multi-task. I am always trying to do a million things at once and I need to stop myself sometimes, make a list and prioritise! x

  29. These are some really great ideas. And I can use them even if I don’t work, because not matter what, holidays get hectic. If I get one gift done per day, starting in November, I am done by the time I put up a tree. And I agree, no charge card. Use cash only and stay with your budget.

  30. I’m so awful about getting gifts….I guess the only people I personally expect them from is my parents. So they are the only people I get them for as well. I may be a grinch but I just don’t think it’s worth it to waste money on “fuzzy socks” or “a candle” and get the same in return..when I don’t want that anyways

  31. I find it that starting to think early about presents helps the most. There are many special offers throughout the year and I often come across fantastic gifts for instance in September – and then just save it until Christmas. It helps reduce the stress and saves a LOT of money πŸ™‚

  32. I like networking but only if it’s genuine. There is nothing worse than realizing someone wants your contact information to profit personally for some reason. There should a mutual buy-in.

  33. Goodness me, yes it makes me nervous. But I am learning as I go along and in a way, it is fun and enjoyable- not to mention, profitable (not just monetarily, either)!

  34. Networking is important regardless of what you do. Even with blogging there are opportunities to network with others of your niche and beyond. Good post!

  35. I am a shy introvert and networking has always been difficult for me. Virtually, I am fine. It is that face to face that gets me. I had a mentor once tell me to create an alter ego when I was in a face to face setting. Allow my alter ego be the extrovert and mingle with others. It actually helped a little.

  36. Networking is important whether online or off – although it can be quite scary to attend an event where you know no one. Some people have a knack for this and some even seek/enjoy it, I can’t say I’m one of them. Networking events make me super nervous, but luckily I don’t have many or any to attend.

    Should I have to attend something, I’ll refer back to this page with your good networking tips – appreciate it.

  37. Is saying I’m an introvert an excuse? But yes, networking is important and thanks for sharing this post it’s helpful for me and I know a few people (extroverts! :P) who would find this post useful too.

  38. I think you have to be careful though, some networking groups cost hundreds of dollars a year.. and for what? You’re around the same people all the time.

    • Catrina, hopefully the groups will attract new members that you will meet. Also, you just never know when someone will hear of an opportunity that is perfect for you and pass that along for you to take advantage of. The better you get to know people and vice versa (develop relationships) the more they are likely to help you if you have left a good impression with them. Relationships take time to develop. Sometimes they are fruitful, sometimes they are not. But it is totally worth in when you find one that is πŸ˜‰

  39. I grew up around networking businesses so it’s kinda an old hat for me and I enjoyed this post because it reminding me of those meeting I use to go with my dad (not sure why I was with him). I think my favorite tip is make sure you don’t carry your drink in the hand you shake hands with. No one wants to shake a wet, cold hand. πŸ˜‰

  40. Thanks for the tips – in my husband’s business there is a LOT of networking and socialization that must go on. Pretty much, if you can’t socialize and network, then there’s no real other way to accomplish anything in this town. When they say “it’s all about who you know”, they aren’t joking here. πŸ™‚

  41. Network used to terrify me–still does at times, but as I’m starting a freelance writing career, I’m discovering how important it is! I still get uncomfortable, but have found virtual networking a great starting place!

  42. I’ve been trying to get up my nerve to attend some local tech meetups. Thanks for your lovely tips – I may actually make it to the next one now!

  43. Thanks for these tips! I’ve never heard of IAAP but will definitely look into them now. Also, the extra resources that you have added look great too.

  44. Network is very important and I have not ventured to enter that arena at all. I suppose now more than ever it will be good but need a starting point and face my fears because I am not that outgoing but more on the reserved side.

  45. I just went to a blogging conference and it was all about networking. Sometimes it is hard to put yourself out there, but there are benefits once you have a network in place.

  46. Great tips! I think its important for people to remember that networking does not mean you are “using” someone. It can always feel a little weird to simply talk to people just to make business connections but it is important to remember they are probably doing the same and have done the same and there is no shame in it.

  47. Networking is certainly a professional necessity and personally fun. I am always eager to meet like minded people. And I do love hearing a good yarn. I like the idea of having a success story handy. I always try and have a “when there is a quiet moment” story available. And jotting down notes about a person is essential. It tells the person they were memorable the time contact was made. Thanks for the post.


  48. I think no matter what you do in life – personally or professionally – networking is vital. Parenting – you need a network. School – you need a network. Business – you need a network. No matter where you are or what you do, you need that network. One should always be networking.

  49. Networking is an important part of doing business. I make sure to network with people in different industries than my own, too. You never know when it will come in handy.

  50. Great advice. I don’t attend events often (and I really should search more out), but when I do, I go in with a “goal” to meet at least 3 new people and find out a few things about each of them. Then after the event I try to think of a way I could help at least one of them – if I go at it with an attitude of serving, I find it easier to make a strong connection.

  51. Networking is something I enjoy, but sometimes it’s difficult to follow up with the people I’ve met or made contact with. There are only so many hours in the day, haha!

  52. Networking is a tricky subject for many because we all have our comfort zones. I find that when we get out of our own way and try new things is when we be the best we can be. I always set a goal for myself to meet 5 new people at every event and I find the more I start talking and networking the easier it gets and that 5 easily turns into a bigger number!

  53. Networking is something I struggle with. I tend to be introverted and have a mindset of getting things done on my own. It’s something I’m trying to push past. Especially as a young mom it can be isolating, so I’m seeking out other young moms to network with.

  54. Networking is definitely not my strong suit. I’m more of the wallflower than the one to seek out contacts. As a fellow blogger, it’s something I definitely need to improve. Great tips!

  55. Networking is so important in any industry. I can say I wouldn’t have the job I have now and be in the position that I am if it were not for my network of people. It really is all about who you know.

  56. I agree that networking is vital to success. This program sounds like a really good one to consider joining. I would love to just interacting with other like-minded people. Thank you for telling us about it.

  57. Networking has afforded me many opportunities and often, others just don’t understand how it’s all worked out – but it’s taken WORK on my part to connect with others and establish relationships with them! Your post will help others understand this tool better!

  58. Great article – this is very true in everything and especially with blogging. I am finally starting to find some bloggers that I am slowly building a network with it. It helps to have people to lean on and support you!

  59. Networking can be a bit daunting, so I definitely agree with a little bit at a time and having it established before you need it. Conferences and professional meetings are great places to casually meet people and begin networking.
    P.S. Love that we are using the same theme – I like it so much.

  60. We would be lost without our network of people. A lot of them are local which means if we ever wanted to move it would be hard leaving our connections behind.

  61. I used to be so nervous, shy and scared of networking when I worked in an industry I just had no passion or knowledge about but now that I work in a field (web design & development) that I am truly passionate about I feel confident about networking and actually love it!!!! I love meeting new people and seeing how I can help them with my services and I really think networking is hugely important for everyones businesses.

  62. What an informative post! I always struggle with networking, because I don’t feel like I’m really great at it, and it always seems like there are so many other things I could be spending my time on. But I love your point about it being like a savings bank, and how you have to regularly invest in order to draw out when you need it. Great advice!

  63. My husband and I just recently sat down and redid our budget. We are now able to put away almost a full paycheck every month and have paid off several credit cards. It really does help to stay focused on your money and budget when you can!

  64. I agree that financial security really helps with stress and even relationships. My husband and I have been much more open in communicating about our budgets, expenses, etc. as our marriage has progressed. I think it has brought us closer to budget and cut expenses together.

  65. This is a great list. My husband and I have been keeping track of our spending for years. Every receipt gets recorded. Thanks for sharing!

  66. We too have been paying off debt. Almost $11,000.00 to date using Advocare’s Debtbuster system. It feels great and my husband and I do not fight over little things anymore.

  67. Great tips! We have done Dave Ramsey and it helped but then we fell off the budgeting wagon and need to get back on. It is key to success!!!! Thanks for the reminder!

  68. As someone who runs my own business, financial planning is a must. Some months can be great with lots of money coming in and other months slow as a trickle. However I keep a budget that is the same each month and save extra on the better months to cover the slower months.

  69. Thanks for the budget tips and resources. I am always looking for ways to stretch a dollar, but I need to keep a better track record on finances.

  70. It was really interesting when my husband and I started to keep track of our expenses. When you don’t, you just don’t think about where the money is going! It can be frustrating sometimes. Debit and credit cards make it easy for us to keep track since we can’t forget about anything, it’s all right there online! We’ve found we’re able to manage our finances far better now that we know which bills we have to put away, and make it a priority to put money into saving with each paycheck, too!

  71. We love dave ramsey and went through his financial peace course which we enjoyed! I also love reading money saving moms blog!

  72. I take care of all the bills and financing in our household. My husband owns his business so we have big up and down moments. Love all your budget suggestions. Saving and bookmarking. Thanks πŸ™‚

  73. My husband and I have loved Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Super important stuff for staying out of debt and budgeting. Budgeting is important so you tell every dollar where to go, even if it’s for entertainment or fun (you can’t starve out fun in your budget). It’s important to be realistic so it’s a budget that will last for the long term, when things don’t go as planned or expenses come up! Great post!

  74. My husband is brilliant when it comes to tracking our family budget. He knows what we should have in each account throughout the month and has a clear plan of where we should be long term. Thank god for him because I am a total nightmare. If it wasn’t for him I’m sure I’d have ended up on a chat show somewhere discussing how I had no idea where my Β£500,000 of credit card debt came from. πŸ™‚
    His approach is very similar to yours and I am making big efforts now to try and understand what he does and why he does it. Considering we moved out to Kuwait to make money, it seems like the best plan πŸ˜‰

  75. The automated savings plan is working well for me. I don’t miss the money a bit. Also, when I get too much money in my checking account, I move some over to savings so I don’t get too comfortable and spend it.

  76. Brilliant! Some excellent budgeting tips which I need to take note of. I plan to bookmark the links that you have referred to for future reference.

  77. These are really helpful tips for getting a budget going. It’s an important thing to do, and your article will be a wonderful time saver. Thanks for the resources!

  78. Thank you so much for this great detail. It broke down such an often overwhelming, emotional topic – money – into smaller, methodical, doable chunks. My husband owns a business so income varies. I’ve been feeling that we really need to budget at what the lowest levels might be so that when / if money is higher we can always save away lots for rainy days and leaner times, but otherwise we know at the least we’ll have enough for our needs. Thanks again!

  79. Money has always flown from my fingers. I don’t care what kind of plan I have tried to follow. Fortunately my husband is a whiz with money, so I leave the money management to him and he leaves the household management to me. SO far it works well. Though this is true i did take the time to read your article in case I ever do need to do this myself again (heaven forbid!)

  80. We are in a really bad place right now with money. I know that a good budget system will help us, however It’s hard to do it. Maybe I will try to do little changes and work from there. Thank you for the post and all the information.

    • Michal, you might want to check out some of the other resources I’ve provided. Little changes is a great idea! Best wishes, Jeana.

    • Jeryl, it sounds like you may have an income problem. You may want to consider ways to increase your income such as learning a new skill, starting a side business, or work a second job. Thanks for visiting and best wishes.

  81. Great tips here. We have used them along with FPU/Dave Ramsey for several years. It’s so important to know where your money is going.
    Anyone who is just getting starting with budgeting should follow these tips, and anyone who has been living by a budget for years can still benefit from the reminders.

  82. This is great! My husband and I did the Dave Ramsey program when we were first married and I am SO glad that we did. We’ve since kept a budget religiously which has afforded me to stay home with our kids and still make progress on our debt. Great tips!

  83. Some great tips here! I think just knowing what you have and how much your bills are is the best first tip – so many people just ignore it and “hope” everything is okay.

  84. Wonderful tips! My husband has taught me to be more responsible (and less emotional!) with money – sticking to the budget but still saving up for things we both want (for example, we’ve been saving for 3 years for a trip to Europe, and we’re going this May! Also in thanks to a ton of Hilton points) πŸ™‚ Saving these tips for family and friends!

  85. This is great tips. I’ll bookmark this page, and check out some of the other links. For my personal finance management, I use Mint.com, which includes a budgeting feature that I can access on my iPhone and on the Internet. Thanks for posting this article.

  86. I have been trying to get a savings plan in place. I think it is so important to know where your money goes. Now I just need to get my husband on board! Thanks for the reminders and resources!

  87. I believe you’ve nailed it! Great, great tips. It’s so important to be on the same page with your spouse. If you’re not, it can create lots of discord. Budgeting should be discussed before the wedding!

    • Yes, Laine, I agree. Finance issues are one of the causes of divorce. Very smart to discuss during the courtship!

  88. Financial planning is so crucial to a successful life. It can be so stressful to get the plan and stick to it but I have definitely learned it is MORE stress later if you don’t.

    • You are absolutely right, Heather. But once you have a plan in place, you are in control and there is freedom and peace that comes with it.

  89. I couldn’t care less about budgeting until I had a son and became a SAHM I seriously beat myself up mentally that I didn’t budget sooner! We used to go broke with 2 incomes but now with budgeting we are doing well with 1 income how much more if I had budgeted better while I was working. Biggest regret ever but better now than never. I use the cash envelope system as well and that really works for me and my family. You have a great list and advice especially for those new at budgeting.

    • Don’t be so hard on yourself, Lerie. You are on the right path now and experiencing the rewards.Glad you saw the light!

  90. “I don’t have to think about it and I don’t miss the money.” I love that line, because it is so true when it comes to having money taken out BEFORE you receive your net. That is probably the single biggest help for most people to get started, yet also the simplest to do.


  91. These are great tips! My husband does the budgeting in our family (with my involvement) and he has similar categories. We could work on our savings more though!

    • Debbie, great that you are budgeting. I would suggest automating your savings to ensure it happens. It builds up so fast that way. Best wishes!

  92. Great tips!! We actually went through the “Financial Peace University” class and now have all bills paid off, savings set, emergency fund and doing pretty good. Budgeting is the key! πŸ™‚

  93. Wow, such an assortment of brilliant stress busting ideas – thank you very much. I can also recommend Mindfulness, which you briefly touched on. I have just completed a 3 month course and it has totally changed my attitude and helped me so much in my life. I also practice yoga which is another brilliant way to relax.

    • Thanks, Gina. I’m glad you liked my post. Yes mindfulness and yoga are both great stress busting practices! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!